200 000+
студентов по всему миру 
прошло наше обучение
More than 10,000 companies available for analytics
Over 150,000 instruments in system
Analyze the most popular exchanges: America, Europe, Asia
Fintech project from pro.finansy is a website and mobile application for beginners and experienced investors. Use a huge database of analytical tools for investing. All in one place.
We do not provide investment services and are not an investment company.
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Write down all your wishes in this section
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 Set goals and work towards achieving them
All the best investment tools at your fingertips
360 degree market overview:
Track exchange rates, heat maps displaying the dynamics of companies on the market, as well as selections of securities from PRO.FINANSY analysts
Search for investments:
Convenient filters for selecting stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs
Potentially Profitable Stocks Collections:
We will tell you what is more profitable to invest in to increase the portfolio profitability
Analysts' assessment and forecasts:
Analysts predict the share price and calculate the average value in the sector
How will pro.finansy help you improve your financial situation and make money on investments?
Use ready-made analytics and earn more
Choose the best and most profitable assets for your portfolio with the help of analytics from a team of experienced investors along with a simple and convenient service for selecting securities
All analytical base in one place
Analyze global trends, build a portfolio of profitable assets and earn money!
Manage your finances and build savings
Create financial goals and manage investment portfolios in one place so as not to spend a lot of time on it
If you have any questions about the site and the pro.finansy app, please contact the care department staff. They will help you figure out how the platform will help you!
The pro.finansy functionality will help you earn on investments
Investments are available to everyone
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D-U-N-S 849873209
+971 54 287 7799